AI based integrated geoscience solutions
Reduced operational time
Intuitive ML workflow building that significantly decreases processing time and delivers fast and accurate prediction results
Apply your knowledge
Intelligent ML Workflow Customisation aimed at retaining your competences and experience
Advanced hybrid neural network
Pretrained Models on more than 100 000 data samples including multiple seismic attributes
Data model at a new level
Robust prediction of the most complex geological features based on varying seismic quality and complexity of geological strata
    Years of ML research and development


    Leading Academic Institutions
    participating in the R&D program

    Successful consultancy projects
    сompleted by the Geoplat team

    Up to 70
    Percent productivity improvement


    Geoscientists have already
    applied by Geoplat on their data
    >100 000
    Data samples are included in the AI model
    Our ML software Geoplat AI is here to significantly speed up the processes for your business challenges and to give you valuable data insights
    ML Fault Interpretation
    Fault interpretation is one of the most difficult tasks within a general structural interpretation workflow.

    Geoplat developed the technology which can help to significantly reduce time and resources spent on building a geological model. The use of machine learning based on deep neural networks allows to calculate fault probability distribution, extract surfaces, and eliminate interpretation uncertainties.
    ML Horizon Interpretation
    Horizon interpretation is the core process in understanding the structural features of a geological cross section and conduct reliable dynamic seismic analysis.

    Geoplat offers a new approach to address automatic horizon tracing. You can trace a single horizon or the whole set, preserving complex fault structures and regional geological features.
    ML Seismic Data Conditioning
    Low quality seismic datasets often make it difficult to build a structural framework and predict pay zone properties.

    Machine learning algorithms developed by Geoplat provide a powerful workflow for interactive and intelligent data conditioning of post stack seismic data. It enables getting instant results considerably saving time on defining functions and workflows.
    ML Salt Bodies Delineation
    Common interpretation methods are usually unable to determine the exact positioning of salt body's boundaries including its top and base.

    Our innovative machine learning approach helps to generate a unique volume attribute that predicts the distribution areas of salt layers.
    ML Channels and Sand Bodies Detection
    The problem of extracting subtle changes from the reflectivity data is often associated with various types of sedimentation responses. Sometimes there is insufficient detail to detect the entire object within the interval formed in the same geological period.

    Geoplat AI can generate a complete probabilistic model to detect channels and other geological objects in the entire seismic volume.
    Check out an effective application of the Geoplat technologies on real seismic data
    Seismic data quality increasing with a help of seismic data AI-based cleaning functions
    Salt geobody delineation outcome based on the AI capabilities
    Results of automatic horizon interpretation, propagated over the entire survey area with a help of AI-driven tool
    Detecting paleo channels on the entire survey area enabled by the AI geobody solution
    Using the fault automatic tracking tool based on AI in order to interpret the faults on all study area
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